Requirements and Application for a Film Licence

Requirements and Application for a Film Licence
The Department of Film Services (DFS) of Kenya licenses all local and foreign crews undertaking filming in the country. In order to obtain a license, one copy of the script and a story synopsis must be sent to the Film Licensing officer. For documentaries the licenses are issued within minutes of application and for feature films and dramas within two days of application. 

All applications for licenses to film in Kenya should be addressed to:

The Film Licensing Officer
Department of Film Services,
Ministry of Information and Communications,
P. O. Box 74934 – 00200, Nairobi, Kenya.
Tel: 254-20-650501/650120/1/2/3,
Fax: 254-20-553003/553849
E-mail: licensing@

Local Filming Agents
1) Private production companies or individuals are requested to submit their applications through a local agent registered with the Ministry. This requirement is mandatory for all applications to make feature films or documentaries.
2) Government agencies may submit their applications through the local agents or through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. 

There are no restrictions in Kenya on how many expatriate crew members or artists can arrive per production. Advance notice is more of a courtesy than a requirement. Crew members and artists may arrive in Kenya on a visitor’s pass prior to the film work permit being processed.

Film License Form
The Ministry would like to inform all foreign production companies that Kenya has a considerable number of experienced technical staff in filming techniques. We therefore recommend that producers should reserve as many places as possible for local crew.

For further information, please visit this link: www.kenyafilmcommission. com

Click to download an application form  for a licence to film in Kenya